Politics I.


Politics I category consists from 15 knowledges, 7 of them can be obtained in Calpheon, 5 in Heidel and rest in Balenos territory. This time as a requirement to learn about knowledges in Calpheon you will have to increase friendship with NPCs, so make sure to be able to start conversations and have enough energy to play amity games.

1. Outlaws of the Slum.

Danielle Stimi – protest leader in Calpheon, shares this knowledge provided that you reached 450 amity with him.


2. League of Merchants.

Seed Vendor Hunt in Heidel shares this knowledge in exchange for 1 energy.


3. War and Mediah.

Knowledge can be received as a reward for completing chain quest in Heidel. First find Jeweler Dora Fonti and take quest The Rise of the Xian Alliance. After finishing it talk to Grace Lauren, she will give you quest calledUnderstanding the Politics of Heidel, that needs to be done in order to receive the knowledge you're looking for.


4. Honor, the Final Decision.

Annabella Belucci will reward you with knowledge if her amity is 500, she can be found in the Calpheon Market Street.

5. Comitia of Tantinis.

Knowledge can be received from Basquean Ljurikas, provided that you have accepted questA Child's Curiosity. To start it, look for shai Villager in Calpheon's Noble quartal.

6. Rights and Shadows.

Knowledge can be received as a reward from shaiGiovan Grolin – member of Kalis Parliamentin Calpheone, for completing quest A Figurehead Citizen Representativeor reaching 100 amity with him.

7. Crisis in Kalis.

Danielle Stimi – protest leader in Calpheon, shares this knowledge provided that you reached 100 amity with him.


8. Kalis Parlament.

Meet Trina Knights master – Valks at the entrance of Kalis Parliament in Calpheon. In order to receive the knowledge, you need to be above level 37 or have questKalis Parliament accepted.


9. Frugal Life.

Find Lavientia Batian in Calpheon. Once you reach 555 amity with her, she will reward you with knowledge.


10. Heidel Treaty.

Knowledge can be found in Heidel Castle, if you run all the way to the throne room. Once there, turn left through a small doorway. Be careful because mobs there can one shot you.

11. Hope of Peasants.

Go to the Moretti Plantation and look for the giant named Hannes. He will share this knowledge for 9 energy.


12. Cliff the Old Timer.

Find Jarette Domongatt in Western Guard Camp and increase the amity with her to 20 in order to receive the quest called Cliff's Writing. As a reward for completing it she will give you the knowledge.


13. The Grand Chamberlain of Heidel.

Trade Manager of Heidel – Siuta shares this knowledge for 1 energy.


14. Xian Alliance.

In Heidel look for the Villager, that sitting on a wagon next to the northern stable. Knowledge cost is 1 energy.


15. Reasons of Rebelling.

Knowledge can be obtained as a reward for completing questAbout Al Rhundi. To start it talk to Hervano Titoin Eastern Gateway. It's a chain quest, to be able to take it make sure that you've done all previous ones.